UPSC NDA II Examination 2023 Admit Card for 395 Posts

The UPSC NDA II (Union Public Service Commission National Defence Academy II) Examination Admit Card is an official document issued by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to candidates who have successfully applied for the NDA II examination. The NDA II examination is conducted for the selection of candidates into the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the National Defence Academy.

The admit card serves as a crucial identification and authorization document that allows candidates to appear for the examination. It contains important information related to the candidate and the examination, ensuring a smooth and organized examination process. Here's what you can typically expect to find on an NDA II Examination Admit Card:

1. Candidate's Information:

   - Candidate's Name

   - Candidate's Photograph

   - Candidate's Registration/Roll Number

   - Date of Birth

   - Gender

   - Category (General/SC/ST/OBC)

2. Examination Details:

   - Examination Date

   - Examination Time

   - Reporting Time

   - Venue/Examination Center

   - Center Code

3. Examination Instructions:

   - Guidelines for candidates to follow on the day of the examination.

   - Instructions about the documents to carry (usually a government-issued photo ID along with the admit card).

   - Prohibited items inside the examination hall (e.g., electronic devices, study materials, etc.).

   - Dress code (if applicable).

4. Contact Information:

   - UPSC's contact details for any queries or concerns related to the admit card or examination.

It's essential for candidates to carefully review all the information mentioned on the admit card. If there are any discrepancies or errors, candidates should immediately contact the UPSC authorities to rectify them. Admit cards are generally released a couple of weeks before the examination date and can be downloaded from the official UPSC website using the candidate's registration credentials.

Candidates must carry a printed copy of the admit card along with a valid photo ID (such as Aadhar card, passport, driver's license, etc.) to the examination center. Without a valid admit card and ID, candidates may not be allowed to appear for the examination.

Important Dates:-

Certainly, here are the important dates for the UPSC NDA II Examination for the year 2023:

- **Application Begin**: The process of applying for the NDA II Examination started on May 17, 2023.

- **Last Date for Apply Online**: Candidates had until June 6, 2023, to submit their online applications. The application portal closed at 06:00 PM on this date.

- **Fee Payment Last Date**: The last date for paying the application fee was also June 6, 2023. Candidates needed to complete the payment by this date to complete their application process.

- **Correction Form**: Candidates were provided with the opportunity to make corrections in their submitted applications from June 7 to June 13, 2023. This window allowed candidates to rectify any mistakes or update information as needed.

- **Exam Held on**: The NDA II Examination was scheduled to take place on September 3, 2023. This is the date on which candidates would sit for the examination.

- **Admit Card Available**: The admit cards for the NDA II Examination were made available for download from August 11, 2023. Candidates could access and download their admit cards from this date onwards.

Application Fee:-

The application fee details for the UPSC NDA II Examination are as follows:

- General / OBC candidates: ₹100/-

- SC / ST candidates: ₹0/- (No application fee)

Candidates falling under the General and OBC categories are required to pay a fee of ₹100/- as part of the application process. However, candidates belonging to the SC and ST categories are exempted from paying any application fee.

The payment of the examination fee can be done through various modes:

1. **Net Banking**: Candidates can make the payment using their online banking account by selecting the net banking option.

2. **Debit Card**: Payment can be made using a debit card issued by a bank.

3. **Credit Card**: Candidates can also use their credit cards to make the payment.

4. **Offline Fee Mode (E Challan)**: An offline mode of payment is available through the generation of an E Challan. Candidates can select this option and follow the instructions to generate the Challan. They can then make the payment in cash at designated bank branches.

It's important for candidates to ensure that the payment is made within the specified timeline mentioned in the application process. Failure to make the payment within the given time frame might lead to rejection of the application.


The eligibility criteria for the UPSC NDA II Examination vary depending on the specific wings candidates are applying for:

**Army Wing**:

- Candidates must have passed or be appearing in the 10+2 examination from any recognized board in India. This means they should have completed their higher secondary education (12th grade) or be in the process of completing it.


**Air Force & Naval Wing**:

- Candidates must have passed or be appearing in the 10+2 examination from any recognized board in India.

- Additionally, candidates applying for the Air Force and Naval Wings must have studied Physics and Mathematics as subjects in their 10+2 curriculum.

In summary, the eligibility requirements are as follows:

- For the **Army Wing**: Passed or appearing in 10+2 examination from any recognized board.

- For the **Air Force & Naval Wing**: Passed or appearing in 10+2 examination from any recognized board with Physics and Mathematics as subjects.

Age Limit:-

The age limit for the UPSC NDA II Examination is a crucial eligibility criterion that candidates must fulfill in order to apply for the exam. The age limits are outlined as follows:

- Candidates must not be born before 2nd January 2005.

- Candidates must not be born after 1st January 2008.

This means that candidates applying for the NDA II Examination must have been born between 2nd January 2005 and 1st January 2008. 

Additionally, the official NDA II Exam Notification 2023 might provide details about age relaxation, if applicable. Age relaxation refers to special provisions that allow certain categories of candidates to exceed the regular age limits. These relaxations are usually granted to candidates belonging to reserved categories (such as SC, ST, OBC) and other specified categories as per government rules and regulations.

Vacancy Details:-

The vacancy details for the UPSC NDA II Examination for the year 2023 are as follows:

- Total Vacancies: 395 Posts

The vacancies are distributed among different wings of the National Defence Academy as well as the Naval Academy as follows:

- Army: 208 Posts

- Navy: 42 Posts

- Airforce: 120 Posts

- Naval Academy: 25 Posts

Official Website:-

The official website for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is This website serves as the primary online platform for accessing information, updates, and resources related to various UPSC examinations, including the NDA II Examination.

Here's what you can typically find on the official UPSC website:

1. **Examination Information**: Detailed information about different UPSC examinations, including NDA II, such as eligibility criteria, application process, important dates, syllabus, and examination patterns.

2. **Notifications**: Official notifications and advertisements for upcoming examinations, vacancies, and recruitment processes.

3. **Application Portal**: A portal where candidates can apply online for various UPSC examinations, including filling out application forms, uploading documents, and making fee payments.

4. **Admit Cards**: Information and updates related to admit card availability for various UPSC examinations, along with instructions on how to download them.

5. **Results and Merit Lists**: Access to examination results, merit lists, and other related announcements.

6. **Syllabus and Exam Patterns**: Detailed syllabus and examination patterns for different UPSC examinations, helping candidates prepare effectively.

7. **Previous Years' Question Papers**: Past question papers of UPSC examinations, which can be valuable for candidates to understand the types of questions asked.

8. **Contact Information**: Contact details of UPSC offices, facilitation counters, and help desks for candidate queries.

9. **Latest News and Updates**: News, announcements, and updates related to UPSC activities and examinations.

10. **Recruitment Rules and Regulations**: Information about the rules, regulations, and guidelines governing various UPSC examinations and recruitment processes.

11. **Online Services**: Online services for registered candidates, including downloading admit cards, checking application status, and making fee payments.

Admit Card

Apply Online



**FAQs - UPSC NDA II Examination Admit Card:**

**Q1: When will the admit card for the UPSC NDA II Examination be released?**

A1: The admit card for the UPSC NDA II Examination is expected to be available for download approximately two to three weeks before the examination date. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official UPSC website for updates.

**Q2: How can I download my NDA II Examination Admit Card?**

A2: You can download your NDA II Examination Admit Card by visiting the official UPSC website and logging into your candidate account. The admit card link will be provided, and you can follow the instructions to access and print your admit card.

**Q3: What documents do I need to carry along with the admit card to the examination center?**

A3: Along with the admit card, you need to carry a valid photo ID proof (such as Aadhar card, passport, driver's license) for verification purposes. Make sure that the name on your admit card matches the name on your ID proof.

**Q4: Can I change my examination center after the admit card has been issued?**

A4: In most cases, the examination center allotted in the admit card is final and cannot be changed. Candidates are advised to carefully choose their preferred examination center during the application process itself.

**Q5: I've found a mistake in my admit card details. What should I do?**

A5: If there is a discrepancy in your admit card details, you should immediately contact the UPSC or the relevant examination authorities. They will guide you on the necessary steps to rectify the mistake.


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