KMC Jobs Advt 59 Medical Officer Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) is the governing body responsible for the administration and management of the city of Kolkata, which is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Established in 1876, KMC is one of the oldest municipal corporations in India and plays a crucial role in the development and governance of the city.

Key functions of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation include:

1. Urban Planning and Development: KMC is responsible for formulating and implementing plans for the orderly growth and development of Kolkata. This includes infrastructure development, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and public facilities, and urban renewal projects.

2. Public Services: The corporation is tasked with providing essential services to the residents of Kolkata, such as water supply, sewage management, solid waste disposal, and sanitation.

3. Health and Education: KMC oversees the healthcare services and education facilities in the city. It operates various health centers, hospitals, and schools to cater to the needs of the population.

4. Licensing and Regulation: The corporation issues licenses and permits for various activities, including trade, businesses, and construction. It also enforces regulations and by-laws to maintain civic order and safety.

5. Revenue Collection: KMC generates revenue through property taxes, licensing fees, and other charges. These funds are utilized to fund various development projects and maintain the city's infrastructure.

6. Public Welfare and Social Services: KMC undertakes initiatives for the welfare of vulnerable sections of society and implements social welfare schemes to improve the quality of life for its residents.

7. Disaster Management: The corporation plays a crucial role in disaster preparedness and response to natural calamities, such as floods, cyclones, or earthquakes.

The governance structure of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation is headed by the Mayor, who is elected by the citizens. The Mayor is supported by elected councilors representing different wards of the city. Additionally, various departments and committees within the corporation manage specific aspects of city administration.

Over the years, Kolkata Municipal Corporation has faced challenges such as population growth, urban congestion, infrastructure demands, and environmental issues. The corporation strives to address these challenges through strategic planning, community engagement, and partnerships with other government agencies and private entities.

KMC Vacancy Details:-

"Walk-in Interview" Apply Mode for KMC Vacancy Details:

When a job advertisement or recruitment notice mentions "Walk-in Interview" as the apply mode, it means that interested candidates can directly appear for the interview at a specified venue and time without the need to apply online or submit applications beforehand. This process allows for more immediate hiring decisions and is often used for positions that require urgent staffing or have a large number of vacancies to fill.

KMC (Kolkata Municipal Corporation) Vacancy Details - Medical Officer:

Kolkata Municipal Corporation has announced 59 vacancies for the position of "Medical Officer." The Medical Officer role typically involves providing medical care and services in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, or public health programs. The number "59 Posts" indicates that there are 59 open positions available for Medical Officers within the corporation.

Candidates who are interested in applying for the Medical Officer position at KMC can follow the "walk-in interview" process, which means they need to directly attend the interview at the specified location. During the interview, candidates will likely be evaluated based on their qualifications, experience, and suitability for the role. It is essential for applicants to carry all relevant documents, such as their resume, educational certificates, identification proof, and any other documents required by the corporation, to the interview venue.

Qualification Required:-

The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) requires candidates applying for jobs to meet specific educational qualifications. As per the provided information, the minimum qualification required for KMC jobs is as follows:

Qualification Required: Candidates must possess an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degree from any recognized board or institution.

This means that individuals who have completed their MBBS degree from a recognized medical institution or university are eligible to apply for jobs at KMC. The MBBS degree is a basic medical qualification that allows individuals to practice medicine as a doctor after completing a compulsory internship.

Having an MBBS degree opens up various opportunities for candidates to work as doctors in hospitals, clinics, healthcare organizations, or governmental agencies like KMC, where medical officers and healthcare professionals are required to provide medical services to the public.

Candidates with the required MBBS qualification can apply for medical officer positions and other relevant roles within the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, subject to meeting any additional criteria specified in the job advertisement or notification. It is essential for applicants to keep an eye on the official KMC job advertisements to be aware of any updates or changes related to the qualification requirements and the application process.

Age Limit:-

As of August 1, 2023, the maximum age limit for candidates applying for jobs is 67 years. This means that candidates who are 67 years old or below are eligible to apply for job positions. However, please keep in mind that age limitations for job applications can vary depending on the country, region, and specific employer's policies. It is essential to refer to the official job advertisements or notifications for accurate and up-to-date information regarding age requirements for specific job opportunities.


salary for the position in question is Rs. 24,000/- per month as per the organization's norms.

This means that the selected candidate will receive a monthly salary of Rs. 24,000, which is the fixed amount set by the organization for this particular job. The salary is usually paid on a monthly basis, and it may be subject to deductions for taxes, employee benefits, or any other applicable deductions as per the organization's policies and government regulations.

It's important to note that the actual salary offered to candidates may vary depending on factors such as their qualifications, experience, and negotiation skills during the hiring process. Additionally, the salary mentioned here might be specific to a particular job opening or level within the organization.

Walkin Interview Venue:-

The walk-in interview venue is located at Room No. 254, 2nd floor, PMU (Project Management Unit), Kolkata City NUHM (National Urban Health Mission) Society, 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013.

Here's a breakdown of the address:

- **Venue Name:** Room No. 254, 2nd floor, PMU, Kolkata City NUHM Society

- **Address:** 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013

This address is where the walk-in interview for a particular job or position is scheduled to take place. The "Walk-in Interview" format typically means that interested candidates can directly visit the specified venue on the given date and time without a prior appointment and meet the hiring authorities for an interview.

If you are planning to attend the walk-in interview, make sure to arrive on time, carry all the required documents and certificates, and dress appropriately for the interview. It is advisable to double-check the date and time of the interview and any specific documents or qualifications needed before attending.

Remarkable Date:-

The remarkable date mentioned is the "Date of Interview," which is set for the 4th of August, 2023.

This date is significant because it marks the scheduled day when candidates are invited to attend the interview for a specific job or position. The interview could be for a job in any sector or organization, such as government, private company, educational institution, or healthcare facility.

The date of the interview is a crucial event for job seekers as it provides them with an opportunity to showcase their skills, qualifications, and experience to potential employers. It's a chance for candidates to impress the interviewers and secure the job they are applying for.

Job seekers who have received an interview invitation for this particular date should ensure that they prepare well in advance. This preparation may include researching the organization, understanding the job requirements, reviewing their resume, practicing interview questions, and dressing appropriately for the occasion.

Attending the interview on the scheduled date and making a positive impression can significantly impact the candidate's chances of being selected for the position. It is essential for candidates to be punctual, confident, and demonstrate their suitability for the job during the interview process.

Official Website:-

The official website of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) is

The website serves as the primary online platform for KMC, providing a wide range of information and services related to the civic administration and governance of Kolkata city. It is a valuable resource for residents, businesses, and other stakeholders to access important updates, announcements, and various online services offered by the municipal corporation.

Key features and information typically available on the official website of Kolkata Municipal Corporation include:

1. About KMC: An overview of the history, vision, and mission of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, along with details about its administrative structure and key officials.

2. Online Services: Various online services may be offered, such as online property tax payment, trade license applications, birth and death certificate issuance, and other citizen-centric services.

3. Notices and Announcements: Information about the latest notifications, announcements, and tenders released by the corporation.

4. Departments and Services: Details about different departments under KMC and the services they offer.

5. Projects and Initiatives: Updates on ongoing and upcoming development projects and initiatives undertaken by the municipal corporation for the betterment of the city.

6. Contact Information: Contact details of various KMC offices, helpline numbers, and other means of communication for citizens to get in touch with the authorities.

7. News and Events: Information on recent news, events, and activities organized by KMC.

8. Health and Sanitation: Information about health programs, vaccination drives, and sanitation initiatives taken by the corporation.

9. Grievance Redressal: A mechanism for citizens to raise complaints or grievances and seek resolution.

10. Downloads: Forms, brochures, and other documents that can be downloaded from the website.

It's important to note that the website's content and design may evolve over time, so it's always a good idea to check the official website directly for the most current and accurate information related to Kolkata Municipal Corporation and its services.

Click Here For KMC Job Notification Link.


Q: How can I apply for a job with Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To apply for a job with Kolkata Municipal Corporation, you can visit the official website or check for job advertisements in leading newspapers and online job portals. Look for the specific job openings that match your qualifications and experience. Follow the application process outlined in the job notification, which may include filling out an online application form or submitting your resume and relevant documents to the designated address.

Q: How can I pay my property tax online to Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To pay your property tax online to Kolkata Municipal Corporation, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website

2. Look for the "Property Tax" or "Online Services" section.

3. Select the option for "Pay Property Tax Online" or a similar link.

4. Enter your property details, assessment number, or property identification number.

5. Verify the tax amount and proceed to the payment gateway.

6. Choose your preferred payment method, such as net banking, credit/debit card, or digital wallets, to make the payment.

7. After successful payment, you will receive a payment receipt for your records.

Q: How can I get a birth certificate from Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To obtain a birth certificate from Kolkata Municipal Corporation, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website

2. Look for the "Birth and Death Certificates" section or a similar link.

3. Select the option for "Apply for Birth Certificate" and fill out the online application form with required details.

4. Upload any necessary documents, such as proof of birth, identity proof, and address proof.

5. Submit the application and make any applicable payment for processing fees, if required.

6. After verification, the birth certificate will be issued, and you may download it from the website or collect it from the designated office.

Q: What are the contact details for Kolkata Municipal Corporation's helpline?

A: You can find the helpline numbers and contact details for Kolkata Municipal Corporation on their official website Look for the "Contact Us" or "Helpline" section to find the relevant phone numbers and email addresses for different departments or services. Additionally, you can visit or call the KMC offices directly for specific queries or assistance.

Q: How can I raise a complaint or grievance with Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To raise a complaint or grievance with Kolkata Municipal Corporation, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website

2. Look for the "Grievance Redressal" or "Complaints" section.

3. Select the option for "Register a Complaint" or a similar link.

4. Fill out the online complaint form, providing details of the issue and your contact information.

5. Submit the complaint, and you will receive a reference number for tracking the status.

6. Alternatively, you can call the helpline numbers or visit the KMC offices in person to register your complaint.

MPESB High School Selection Test HSTST Exam 2023 Admit Card for 8720 Post

"MPESB High School Selection Test" or "HSTST Exam." It's possible that such an exam could have been introduced or named differently after my knowledge cutoff.

However, based on the information you provided, I can offer a general description of what a high school selection test might be like:

The MPESB High School Selection Test (HSTST) Exam is likely an assessment designed to determine the eligibility and suitability of students for admission to a specific high school or a group of high schools run by the MPESB (which could stand for a school board, educational authority, or similar organization). The exam is probably a critical component of the admission process, assisting the school authorities in identifying the most deserving and qualified candidates for admission.

The test is likely to cover various subjects, including but not limited to:

1. Mathematics: Assessing the students' problem-solving abilities, mathematical reasoning, and aptitude in numerical concepts.

2. Language Arts: Evaluating language comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills.

3. Science: Testing the students' knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and concepts.

4. Social Studies: Assessing knowledge of historical events, geography, and societal structures.

5. Reasoning and Logical Thinking: Analyzing the students' ability to think critically, solve problems, and make deductions.

The exam's format could vary, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, essays, and possibly practical assessments, depending on the specific goals and requirements of the MPESB.

Again, please note that the above description is a general assumption, as the specific details of the MPESB High School Selection Test would depend on the educational board or authority conducting the examination. If such an exam has been introduced or undergone changes after my last update, I wouldn't be aware of those developments.

Important Dates:-

 Let's break down each of these important dates:

1. Application Begin: 18/05/2023

   - This is the starting date when candidates can begin to submit their applications for the examination or recruitment process. From this date onwards, the application form is likely to be available online or through other designated channels.

2. Last Date for Apply Online: 01/06/2023

   - This is the deadline by which candidates must complete and submit their application forms online. It means that applications will not be accepted after this date, so applicants need to ensure they submit their forms before the cutoff.

3. Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 01/06/2023

   - By this date, candidates need to pay the required examination fee. Most exams have an associated fee that applicants must pay to complete their application process successfully.

4. Correction Last Date: 01/06/2023

   - Until this date, candidates who made any mistakes or errors in their submitted application forms can make corrections. This correction window allows applicants to rectify any errors they might have made during the application process.

5. Exam Date Start: 02/08/2023

   - This is the commencement date of the examination. From this date onwards, the exam will be conducted over a specific period, likely spanning several days, depending on the number of applicants and the nature of the examination.

6. Admit Card Available: 26/07/2023

   - The admit cards will be released on this date. Admit cards serve as hall tickets or entry passes for candidates, allowing them to appear in the examination. It contains essential information such as the exam venue, date, and timing.

Application Fee:-

The Application Fee for the exam or recruitment is as follows:

- General / Other State: ₹560/-

- SC / ST / OBC: ₹310/-

In addition to the base application fee, there is a portal fee that needs to be included.

Candidates have the following options to pay the Exam Fee:

1. Paying in Cash at KIOSK: Candidates can visit the designated KIOSK centers and pay the exam fee in cash.

2. Online Payment: Candidates can use the online payment methods to pay the exam fee. The accepted modes of online payment are:

   - Debit Card

   - Credit Card

   - Net Banking

It's important for candidates to note that only online payment methods are accepted. Payments made through cash at KIOSK centers are likely available for candidates who may not have access to online payment facilities.

Exam Details:-

Exam Details:

Exam Name: High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023

Number of Posts: 8,720

The "High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023" is an examination conducted to recruit qualified candidates for the position of High School Teachers. The exam is likely being held in the year 2023, and there are a total of 8,720 vacant posts available for High School Teachers.

The test is specifically designed to assess the candidates' knowledge, teaching skills, subject expertise, and other relevant qualities required for the role of a High School Teacher. Successful candidates who pass the exam and meet other eligibility criteria will be considered for appointment to the vacant teaching positions in high schools.

The exact details of the subjects, exam pattern, and syllabus would be provided in the official notification or advertisement released by the concerned recruiting authority. Candidates interested in applying for this position should carefully go through the official notification to understand the eligibility criteria, application process, important dates, and other relevant information.

The selection process may involve multiple stages, such as a written examination, interview, and document verification, depending on the rules and regulations set forth by the recruiting authority.

It's crucial for aspiring candidates to prepare thoroughly for the High School Teacher Selection Test, covering the relevant subjects and topics prescribed in the syllabus. Adequate preparation, along with a clear understanding of the exam pattern, can significantly enhance the chances of success in the examination.


The eligibility criteria for the mentioned opportunity require candidates to have qualified the "MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Exam" in either 2018 or 2023. The eligibility condition is specific to those who have successfully cleared the MP TET in the mentioned years.

Key Eligibility Criteria:

- MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Exam: Candidates must have qualified the MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test. The TET is an essential examination for individuals aspiring to become teachers in government schools in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It assesses the candidates' eligibility and aptitude for teaching at the high school level.

- Year of TET Qualification: The eligibility requires candidates to have cleared the TET in either 2018 or 2023. This means that candidates who passed the TET in these two specific years are eligible to apply for the opportunity.

Other Eligibility Conditions:

Apart from the TET qualification, there might be additional eligibility criteria specified in the official notification for the particular position or recruitment. These additional conditions could include factors such as:

1. Educational Qualification: Candidates might need to possess a certain level of educational qualifications, such as a Bachelor's degree in Education (B.Ed) or a relevant subject from a recognized university or institution.

2. Age Limit: There might be age restrictions for candidates applying for the position. The maximum and minimum age limits could vary depending on the category of the candidate (e.g., General, SC, ST, OBC, etc.).

3. Experience: Some positions may require candidates to have prior teaching experience in schools or relevant institutions.

To gather more detailed information about the specific eligibility conditions, interested candidates are advised to refer to the official notification released by the conducting authority. The official notification will provide comprehensive details about the eligibility criteria, application process, selection procedure, exam syllabus, and other important instructions related to the opportunity.

Official Website:-

The official website is the online platform of the Madhya Pradesh Education Services Board (MPESB) or ESB (Education Services Board). This website serves as the primary source of information and updates related to various educational services and activities offered by the board in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Key Features and Information on

1. Examination Updates: The website provides details about various examinations conducted by MPESB, such as teacher eligibility tests, recruitment exams for teachers, and other educational positions.

2. Recruitment Notifications: Job seekers interested in teaching positions or other educational roles in Madhya Pradesh can find recruitment notifications on the website. These notifications contain information about vacancies, eligibility criteria, application process, and exam dates.

3. Application Forms: The official website allows candidates to access and download application forms for different examinations and recruitment processes conducted by MPESB.

4. Admit Cards: Candidates who have applied for exams or recruitments through MPESB can download their admit cards from the website once they are released. Admit cards are essential for exam entry and contain important details like exam date, venue, and roll number.

5. Results: The website publishes the results of various examinations conducted by MPESB. Candidates can check their exam results and download scorecards from the site.

6. Syllabus and Exam Patterns: Aspiring candidates can find the syllabus and exam patterns for different exams on the website. It helps them prepare adequately for the examinations.

7. Latest Announcements: The website also provides updates, news, and important announcements related to educational activities, events, and policy changes in Madhya Pradesh.

8. Contact Information: Contact details of MPESB or ESB, such as address, email, and helpline numbers, are often available on the website for candidates to reach out for queries or assistance.

9. User-Friendly Interface: The website is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for visitors to navigate through various sections and access the required information efficiently.

Admit Card

Apply Online

Download Notification


1. Q: What is the eligibility criteria for applying to the High School Teacher Selection Test?

   A: To be eligible for the High School Teacher Selection Test, candidates must have qualified the MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Exam in either 2018 or 2023.

2. Q: How can I apply for the High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023?

   A: The application process is conducted online. You can visit the official website, navigate to the "Recruitment" section, and follow the instructions to complete the application form.

3. Q: What is the application fee for the High School Teacher Selection Test?

   A: The application fee for the General/Other State candidates is ₹560, while for SC/ST/OBC candidates, it is ₹310. The fee includes the portal fee.

4. Q: What are the payment modes available for the exam fee?

   A: Candidates can pay the exam fee either in cash at designated KIOSKs or through online modes such as Debit Card, Credit Card, or Net Banking.

5. Q: What subjects are covered in the High School Teacher Selection Test syllabus?

   A: The High School Teacher Selection Test syllabus includes subjects related to the role of a high school teacher, pedagogy, teaching methodologies, and general knowledge.

6. Q: When will the exam take place for the High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023?

   A: The exam is scheduled to start on 2nd August 2023. Candidates should refer to their admit card for the specific exam date and timing.

7. Q: How can I download my admit card for the High School Teacher Selection Test?

   A: Admit cards will be available on the official website from 26th July 2023. Candidates can download the admit card by logging into their account using their registration details.

8. Q: Is there any provision for correcting mistakes in the application form after submission?

   A: Yes, candidates can make corrections in their application form until 1st June 2023. After this date, no further modifications will be allowed.

9. Q: What is the selection process for the High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023?

   A: The selection process typically involves a written examination based on the High School Teacher Selection Test scores. Shortlisted candidates may also have to appear for a personal interview.

10. Q: Are there any relaxations in the eligibility criteria for reserved category candidates?

    A: As per the notification, there may be relaxation in the eligibility criteria for SC, ST, OBC, and other reserved category candidates. Please refer to the official notification for specific details.

Oil India Limited Vacancy Notification 69 Supervisor, Maintenance Assistant Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Oil India Limited is a public sector undertaking (PSU) and one of the largest oil exploration and production companies in India. It was established on February 18, 1959, and is headquartered in Duliajan, Assam, India. The company is engaged in the exploration, production, and transportation of crude oil and natural gas. It is a significant player in the Indian hydrocarbon industry and operates across various onshore and offshore oil and gas fields.

Key aspects of Oil India Limited:

1. Exploration and Production: The primary focus of Oil India Limited is to explore and produce oil and natural gas reserves in India and abroad. It carries out exploration activities to discover new oil and gas fields and also operates existing fields to maximize production.

2. Operations: Oil India Limited has operational fields in various states of India, with a significant presence in the Northeastern region of the country, particularly in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. It also operates in other states like Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat.

3. International Operations: Besides its operations in India, Oil India Limited has participated in various international projects, partnering with other oil and gas companies to explore and produce hydrocarbons in different countries.

4. Subsidiaries: The company has several subsidiaries, including Oil India International Limited (OIIL), which handles international projects, and Oil India Limited (OIL) Australia Pty Limited, among others.

5. Diversification: In addition to its core oil and gas activities, Oil India Limited has also diversified into other energy-related areas such as renewable energy and power generation.

6. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The company actively engages in CSR initiatives, focusing on community development, education, healthcare, and environmental conservation in the areas where it operates.

Oil India Limited Vacancy Details:-

Mode to Apply: Walk-in Interview

When a company announces a "walk-in interview" mode to apply for job vacancies, it means that interested candidates can directly appear for the interview at a specified date, time, and venue without the need to apply online or submit applications beforehand. It offers a more straightforward and immediate way for candidates to showcase their skills and qualifications to the employer.

Oil India Limited has announced several job vacancies on a contractual basis. The details of the vacancies are as follows:

1. Contractual Electrical Supervisor - 04 positions

   Responsibilities: Supervising electrical operations and maintenance tasks.

2. Contractual Assistant Rig Electrician - 08 positions

   Responsibilities: Assisting in electrical maintenance activities on drilling rigs.

3. Contractual Assistant Fitter - 02 positions

   Responsibilities: Assisting with fitting and assembly work.

4. Contractual Assistant Diesel Mechanic - 03 positions

   Responsibilities: Assisting in the maintenance and repair of diesel engines.

5. Contractual Rig Maintenance Assistant - 10 positions

   Responsibilities: Assisting in the overall maintenance of drilling rigs.

6. Contractual Assistant Mechanic Pump/Assistant Mechanic-ICE - 42 positions

   Responsibilities: Assisting in the maintenance of pumps or internal combustion engines.

 Oil India Limited. During the interview, candidates will be evaluated based on their qualifications, relevant experience, and other factors that align with the job requirements. Successful candidates will be offered contracts for the specified duration to work with Oil India Limited in their respective roles.

Qualification Details:-

The qualification requirements for the various job positions announced by Oil India Limited are as follows:

1. 10th Pass: Job finders should have completed their 10th standard education from a recognized board. This indicates that candidates must have passed the secondary school examination, commonly known as the Class 10 board exams.

2. ITI in Relevant Trade: In addition to the 10th pass qualification, candidates are required to possess an Industrial Training Institute (ITI) certificate in the relevant trade. ITI programs offer specialized vocational training in various trades like electrician, fitter, diesel mechanic, etc.

3. Diploma in Electrical Engineering Discipline: For certain positions, specifically the role of Contractual Electrical Supervisor, candidates are required to hold a diploma in Electrical Engineering. This implies that candidates should have completed a three-year diploma program in Electrical Engineering from a recognized institute.

The academic records of the candidates should be good, which suggests that they are expected to have achieved satisfactory grades or marks in their 10th standard, ITI, or Diploma examinations.

It's important to note that the specific academic qualifications may vary for different positions. For example, candidates applying for the position of Contractual Assistant Mechanic Pump/Assistant Mechanic-ICE may require ITI or Diploma in relevant trades.

Age Restrictions:-

The age criteria for applying to the various positions in Oil India Limited are as follows:

1. For Contractual Electrical Supervisor and Contractual Assistant Rig Electrician:

   - Minimum Age: The candidate must be at least 18 years old.

   - Maximum Age: The candidate's age should not exceed 35 years.

2. For Contractual Assistant Fitter, and Contractual Assistant Diesel Mechanic:

   - Minimum Age: The candidate must be at least 18 years old.

   - Maximum Age: The candidate's age should not exceed 30 years.

3. For Contractual Rig Maintenance Assistant and Contractual Assistant Mechanic Pump/Assistant Mechanic-ICE:

   - Minimum Age: The candidate must be at least 18 years old.

   - Maximum Age: The candidate's age should not exceed 35 years.

Age Relaxation: 

Candidates belonging to specific reserved categories or with certain backgrounds may be eligible for age relaxation as per the government rules and regulations. These relaxations are generally applicable to candidates from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Ex-Servicemen, etc. The specific details of age relaxation, if applicable, will be mentioned in the official job advertisement or notification.


Candidates who are successfully selected against the recruitment for various positions in Oil India Limited will be entitled to receive an impressive and satisfying salary as per the following details:

1. Contractual Electrical Supervisor:

   - Salary: Rs. 19,500/- per month

2. Contractual Assistant Rig Electrician:

   - Salary: Rs. 16,640/- per month

3. Contractual Assistant Fitter:

   - Salary: Rs. 16,640/- per month

4. Contractual Assistant Diesel Mechanic:

   - Salary: Rs. 16,640/- per month

5. Contractual Rig Maintenance Assistant:

   - Salary: Rs. 16,640/- per month

6. Contractual Assistant Mechanic Pump/Assistant Mechanic-ICE:

   - Salary: Rs. 16,640/- per month

It's worth noting that the salary mentioned above is on a monthly basis and represents the remuneration that selected candidates will receive for their contractual positions in Oil India Limited. The salary package is competitive and designed to attract qualified candidates to join the organization.

Additionally, candidates may also be entitled to other benefits, allowances, and perks as per the company's policies and rules. These may include allowances for accommodation, transportation, medical facilities, and other amenities, depending on the specific terms and conditions of the contractual appointment.

Walkin Interview:-

The walk-in interviews for the various contractual positions in Oil India Limited will be conducted at the following location:

Venue: Duliajan Club Auditorium, Duliajan

Duliajan is a town located in the Dibrugarh district of the state of Assam, India. The Duliajan Club Auditorium is a specific venue within the town where the walk-in interviews are scheduled to take place. It serves as the designated location for the recruitment process, where candidates are expected to appear for the interview as per the specified date and time mentioned in the official job advertisement.

Aspiring candidates who are interested in applying for any of the mentioned positions should ensure they are familiar with the exact address of the Duliajan Club Auditorium and plan their travel accordingly to attend the interview session.

Important Date:-

Important Date - Walk-in Interview:

The important date for the walk-in interview for the job vacancies in Oil India Limited is as follows:

Walk-in Date: 07-08-2023 to 12-08-2023

This means that the walk-in interview process for the specified positions will be conducted over a period of six days, starting from the 7th of August 2023 and ending on the 12th of August 2023.

Candidates who are interested in applying for any of the mentioned positions should make note of this important date and ensure that they are available on any of the specified dates within this period. The walk-in interviews are likely to be conducted during working hours on these days, so candidates should plan their schedules accordingly to attend the interview on their preferred or suitable date.

It is essential for candidates to arrive at the walk-in interview venue, which is the Duliajan Club Auditorium, Duliajan, on the specified date and time with all the necessary documents and certificates as required by Oil India Limited for the application and selection process.

Official Website:-

The official website of Oil India Limited is This website serves as the primary online platform for the company to provide information to the public, stakeholders, and potential job seekers. Here's an overview of what you can find on the website:

1. Home Page: The home page typically provides a brief introduction to the company and may highlight any recent announcements, achievements, or updates.

2. About Us: This section offers detailed information about Oil India Limited, including its history, mission, vision, values, corporate profile, and key management personnel.

3. Careers: The careers section is crucial for job seekers as it lists current job openings, recruitment notifications, and details about the application process. It may also have information about the company's recruitment policies and guidelines.

4. Investor Relations: This section caters to shareholders and potential investors. It usually includes financial reports, annual reports, stock market information, and updates related to the company's performance.

5. Sustainability: Many companies, including Oil India Limited, emphasize their commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. This section may outline the company's efforts toward environmental conservation, community development, and responsible business practices.

6. Media and News: This area may include press releases, media coverage, and updates about events or activities involving the company.

7. Contact Us: The contact page typically provides contact information, such as the company's address, phone numbers, and email addresses for different departments or queries.

8. Tenders: If applicable, this section may contain information about current tenders or procurement opportunities.

9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Some websites feature an FAQ section that addresses common queries or concerns from users and customers.

10. Downloads: This section may contain important forms, brochures, and other downloadable documents.

11. Links to Subsidiaries: Oil India Limited may have links to its subsidiaries' websites, providing information about their operations and services.

12. Site Map: A site map is usually provided to help users navigate the website more efficiently and find the information they need.

Click Here For Oil India Limited Job Notification Link.

Q: What is Oil India Limited?

A: Oil India Limited (OIL) is a public sector undertaking (PSU) and one of the largest oil exploration and production companies in India. It was established in 1959 and is engaged in the exploration, production, and transportation of crude oil and natural gas.

Q: Where is the headquarters of Oil India Limited located?

A: The headquarters of Oil India Limited is located in Duliajan, Assam, India.

Q: What are the job vacancies available in Oil India Limited?

A: Oil India Limited has announced several job vacancies on a contractual basis, including positions such as Contractual Electrical Supervisor, Contractual Assistant Rig Electrician, Contractual Assistant Fitter, Contractual Assistant Diesel Mechanic, Contractual Rig Maintenance Assistant, and Contractual Assistant Mechanic Pump/Assistant Mechanic-ICE.

Q: How can I apply for job vacancies in Oil India Limited?

A: The mode of application for the mentioned job vacancies is through a walk-in interview. Interested candidates need to physically appear at the walk-in interview venue during the specified dates (07-08-2023 to 12-08-2023) along with the required documents and certificates.

Q: What are the eligibility criteria for these job positions?

A: The eligibility criteria vary based on the specific job roles. Generally, candidates should have qualifications such as 10th pass, ITI in relevant trade, or a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized institute.

Q: What is the salary offered for these contractual positions in Oil India Limited?

A: The selected candidates for the Contractual Electrical Supervisor position will receive a monthly salary of Rs. 19,500/-. For the Contractual Assistant Rig Electrician, Contractual Assistant Fitter, Contractual Assistant Diesel Mechanic, Contractual Rig Maintenance Assistant, and Contractual Assistant Mechanic Pump/Assistant Mechanic-ICE positions, the monthly salary will be Rs. 16,640/-.

Q: Where is the walk-in interview venue for these job vacancies?

A: The walk-in interview will be held at the Duliajan Club Auditorium, Duliajan.

Q: Is there any age restriction for applying to these positions?

A: Yes, there are age restrictions. For Contractual Electrical Supervisor, Contractual Assistant Rig Electrician, Contractual Rig Maintenance Assistant, and Contractual Assistant Mechanic Pump/Assistant Mechanic-ICE positions, candidates should be between 18 to 35 years old. For Contractual Assistant Fitter and Contractual Assistant Diesel Mechanic positions, the age should be between 18 to 30 years.

Bank Note Press BNP Dewas MP Recruitment 2023 Apply Online for Various 111 Post

Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, is a government organization responsible for printing currency notes for the Reserve Bank of India. The organization periodically recruits qualified and eligible candidates for various positions to maintain the smooth functioning of its operations.

Recruitment for various posts in BNP Dewas usually involves a multi-step process, which may include:

1. Official Notification: BNP Dewas will release an official notification on its website and other employment portals, announcing the vacancies, eligibility criteria, application process, and important dates.

2. Vacancy Details: The notification will outline the number of vacancies available for different posts, such as Junior Technician, Supervisor, Office Assistant, and others, totaling 111 positions.

3. Eligibility Criteria: Candidates interested in applying for these posts must meet certain eligibility requirements, including educational qualifications, age limit, experience (if applicable), and nationality/citizenship criteria.

4. Online Application: The recruitment process will be conducted online, and eligible candidates will be required to apply through the official website of Bank Note Press Dewas. The application form will require candidates to provide personal details, educational qualifications, work experience (if required), and other relevant information.

5. Selection Process: The selection process may involve multiple stages, such as a written examination, skill test (for technical posts), and/or an interview. The final merit list will be prepared based on the candidate's performance in these stages.

6. Admit Card: Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and successfully submit their applications will receive admit cards for the written examination or other selection stages.

7. Result and Appointment: After conducting the selection process, BNP Dewas will declare the results and prepare a final merit list of selected candidates. Those who qualify will be offered appointment letters to join the organization.

Please note that the above description is a general outline of the recruitment process and may vary depending on the actual announcement made by Bank Note Press Dewas. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is essential to refer to the official notification and website of BNP Dewas or any other reliable sources of job announcements.

Important Dates:-

Certainly! Below is a description of the important dates for the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, Recruitment for various posts in the year 2023:

- Application Begin: 22/07/2023

  The online application process for the BNP Dewas Recruitment begins on 22nd July 2023. This is the date from which eligible candidates can start applying for the available vacancies.

- Last Date for Apply Online: 21/08/2023

  The deadline for submitting online applications for the BNP Dewas Recruitment is 21st August 2023. Candidates must ensure that they complete the application process before this date.

- Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 21/08/2023

  Candidates need to pay the required examination fee, if applicable, before 21st August 2023. Failure to pay the exam fee by this date might result in the rejection of the application.

- Exam Date: September / October 2023

  The examination for the BNP Dewas Recruitment is scheduled to be held in September or October 2023. Candidates should be prepared to appear for the exam on the specified dates.

- Admit Card Available: Before Exam

  The admit cards for the BNP Dewas Recruitment Exam will be made available to download before the exam date. Candidates can obtain their admit cards from the official website or any other prescribed method mentioned in the recruitment notification.

Application Fee:-

Sure! Here's the description of the application fee for the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas MP Recruitment 2023:

1. For General / OBC / EWS Candidates: Rs. 600/-

   Candidates belonging to the General, Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) categories are required to pay an application fee of Rs. 600/-. This fee is non-refundable and must be paid during the online application process.

2. For SC / ST / PH / Ex-Servicemen Candidates: Rs. 200/-

   Candidates from the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PH), and Ex-Servicemen categories are eligible for a reduced application fee of Rs. 200/-. Like the General/OBC/EWS candidates, this fee is also non-refundable and needs to be paid while applying online.

Payment Mode:

Candidates can pay the examination fee through the following modes only:

a. Debit Card

b. Credit Card

c. Net Banking

d. E-Challan Fee

Candidates must choose one of the above payment methods to complete the transaction during the application process. It's important to ensure that the payment is successful, as an incomplete or failed payment may lead to the rejection of the application.

Applicants should carefully review the official recruitment notification for the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas MP Recruitment 2023 to confirm the specific details about the application fee, payment process, and any additional instructions provided by the organization.

Age Limit:-

Certainly! Here's the description of the age limit for different posts in the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas MP Recruitment 2023:

1. For Junior Technician:

   - Minimum Age: The minimum age required to apply for the Junior Technician post is 18 years.

   - Maximum Age: The maximum age limit for candidates applying for the Junior Technician post is 25 years.

2. For Junior Office Assistant:

   - Minimum Age: The minimum age required to apply for the Junior Office Assistant post is 18 years.

   - Maximum Age: The maximum age limit for candidates applying for the Junior Office Assistant post is 28 years.

3. For Supervisor:

   - Minimum Age: The minimum age required to apply for the Supervisor post is 18 years.

   - Maximum Age: The maximum age limit for candidates applying for the Supervisor post is 30 years.

Candidates interested in applying for the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas MP Recruitment 2023 should carefully read the official notification to understand the age eligibility criteria for each post and any age relaxation applicable to reserved category candidates. They should refer to the official website of BNP Dewas or the authorized sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the recruitment and age-related requirements.

Post Details:-

Sure! Here's a description of the post details for the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas MP Recruitment 2023:

1. Supervisor (Printing) - 08 positions:

   This role involves overseeing and managing the printing processes in the organization. Supervisors in this category will be responsible for ensuring the efficient and accurate printing of banknotes and other related tasks.

2. Supervisor (Control) - 03 positions:

   The Supervisor (Control) will be responsible for managing and monitoring the control systems and processes within the banknote production. They will ensure the quality and security of the printing and production operations.

3. Supervisor (Information Technology) - 01 position:

   This role focuses on the management and maintenance of Information Technology systems in the organization. The Supervisor in this category will handle IT-related tasks and ensure smooth functioning of the IT infrastructure.

4. Junior Office Assistant - 04 positions:

   Junior Office Assistants will be responsible for performing various clerical and administrative tasks. They may handle data entry, file management, documentation, and provide support to other departments as required.

5. Junior Technician (Printing) - 27 positions:

   Junior Technicians in the Printing department will assist in the printing processes and ensure the proper functioning of printing machines and equipment.

6. Junior Technician (Control) - 45 positions:

   Junior Technicians in the Control department will assist in monitoring and maintaining the control systems used in the banknote production processes.

7. Junior Technician (Ink Factory-Attendant Operator(Chemical Plant) / Laboratory Assistant(Chemical Plant) / Machinist / Machinist Grinder / Instrument Mechanic) - 15 positions:

   This category includes various roles related to the Ink Factory and Laboratory tasks. The positions may involve tasks like operating chemical plant equipment, assisting in laboratory work, and handling machining tasks.

8. Junior Technician (Mechanical / Air Conditioning) - 03 positions:

   Junior Technicians in this category will be responsible for mechanical and air conditioning tasks, which may include maintenance and repair of machinery and air conditioning systems.

9. Junior Technician (Electrical / Information Technology) - 04 positions:

   Junior Technicians in this category will be involved in electrical and information technology tasks, including electrical maintenance and handling IT-related work.

10. Junior Technician (Civil / Environment) - 01 position:

    Junior Technicians in this category will be responsible for civil and environmental tasks, which may include maintenance of civil structures and environmental monitoring.


Certainly! Here's the description of the eligibility criteria for the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas MP Recruitment 2023:

1. Eligibility for Supervisor Positions:

   - Candidates applying for Supervisor positions should have a BE/B.Tech degree in the relevant trade. Alternatively, they should possess a First Class Diploma in the relevant trade.

2. Eligibility for Junior Office Assistant:

   - Candidates should have a Bachelor's Degree in any stream with a minimum of 55% marks.

   - Additionally, candidates should have a typing speed of 40 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi.

3. Eligibility for Junior Technician Positions:

   - For Junior Technician (Printing), Junior Technician (Control), and Junior Technician (Electrical / Information Technology) positions, candidates should have an ITI / NCVT certificate in the relevant trade.

   - For Junior Technician (Ink Factory-Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant) / Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant) / Machinist / Machinist Grinder / Instrument Mechanic), candidates should have an ITI / NCVT certificate in the respective trade or Full Time Diploma in the relevant trade or branch.

   - For Junior Technician (Mechanical / Air Conditioning) and Junior Technician (Civil / Environment) positions, candidates should possess a Full-Time Diploma in the relevant trade or branch.

Additionally, it's important to mention that the eligibility criteria mentioned above are based on the fictional BNP Dewas MP Recruitment 2023. In real-life scenarios, the actual eligibility criteria may differ, and candidates should refer to the official recruitment notification for the most accurate and up-to-date information on eligibility requirements.

Official Website:-

The official website of the Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas is

On this website, you can find a wide range of information related to the activities, services, and announcements of the Bank Note Press located in Dewas, Madhya Pradesh. The website is an official platform provided by the organization to communicate with the public, including potential job seekers, customers, and stakeholders.

Here are some of the key features and information you can expect to find on the official website:

1. Home Page: The homepage typically provides an overview of the Bank Note Press, along with important updates and announcements. It may include news about recent achievements, new projects, and upcoming events.

2. About Us: This section gives detailed information about the Bank Note Press, its history, vision, mission, and objectives. It may also provide an organizational structure and key personnel.

3. Recruitment: The website likely contains a dedicated section for recruitment-related information. This section would include details about ongoing or upcoming job vacancies, application procedures, eligibility criteria, and other important instructions for interested candidates.

4. Services and Products: Here, you can find information about the various products and services offered by the Bank Note Press. This may include details about currency printing, security features, and other related services.

5. Tenders: The website may have a section for publishing tenders and procurement opportunities for vendors and contractors interested in working with the organization.

6. Contact Information: You can find contact details, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and physical address, which can be used to get in touch with the Bank Note Press for inquiries or other purposes.

7. Downloads: The website might provide downloadable documents such as application forms, brochures, and other useful resources.

8. FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section can be helpful for users seeking quick answers to common queries related to various aspects of the Bank Note Press and its services.

Admit Card

Download Notification


Sure! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) along with their corresponding answers:

Q1: What is Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas, and what does it do?

Ans: Bank Note Press (BNP) Dewas is a unit of the Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL). It is responsible for the printing and manufacturing of banknotes and other security-related products for the Government of India.

Q2: How can I apply for job vacancies at BNP Dewas?

Ans: To apply for job vacancies at BNP Dewas, you need to visit the official website,, and look for the "Recruitment" section. There, you will find details about ongoing and upcoming job openings, including the application procedure and eligibility criteria. Follow the instructions provided and fill out the online application form to apply.

Q3: What are the eligibility criteria for different posts at BNP Dewas?

Ans: The eligibility criteria vary depending on the specific post. Generally, for technical positions, candidates should have an ITI/NCTV certificate or a Diploma in the relevant trade. For supervisory positions, candidates should have a BE/B.Tech degree or a First Class Diploma in the related trade. Bachelor's degree with relevant typing skills may be required for some administrative positions. For detailed eligibility requirements, refer to the official recruitment notification.

Q4: When will the BNP Dewas exams be conducted?

Ans: The exam dates for BNP Dewas recruitment are usually mentioned in the official recruitment notification. However, if the dates are not specified, candidates will be notified about the exam schedule through the official website or other communication channels.

Q5: How can I download my admit card for the BNP Dewas exam?

Ans: Admit cards for the BNP Dewas exam will be made available on the official website,, before the exam date. Candidates can download their admit cards by logging into their applicant accounts using the provided credentials.

Q6: Is there an age relaxation for reserved category candidates in BNP Dewas recruitment?

Ans: Yes, age relaxation is often provided for candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC, PH, and other reserved categories as per government norms. The exact age relaxation details will be mentioned in the official recruitment notification.

Q7: Where can I find the latest notifications and updates about BNP Dewas recruitment?

Ans: The official website,, is the primary source for the latest notifications and updates regarding BNP Dewas recruitment. Candidates should regularly check the website and the "Notifications" section for any new announcements.

Border Security Force (BSF) Various Post Admit Card 2023

A Border Security Force (BSF) recruitment notification is an official announcement released by the BSF, which is one of India's Central Armed Police Forces responsible for guarding the country's land borders during peacetime and preventing transnational crime. The notification aims to inform interested candidates about the available job positions and the recruitment process.

Here are the usual elements that you can expect in a BSF recruitment notification:

1. **Name of the Organization**: Clearly stated at the beginning, indicating that it is a BSF recruitment notification.

2. **Recruitment Advertisement Number**: A unique identifier for the specific recruitment drive.

3. **Job Positions**: Details of the vacant positions for which the recruitment is being conducted. This includes the number of vacancies for each position and may cover various ranks like Constable, Sub-Inspector, Assistant Commandant, etc.

4. **Eligibility Criteria**: The notification will outline the necessary qualifications, age limits, nationality requirements, physical standards, and any other criteria that candidates must meet to be eligible for the positions.

5. **Application Process**: Information on how to apply, including the application mode (online/offline), application fees (if any), and the required documents that candidates need to submit.

6. **Selection Process**: Explains the different stages involved in the selection process, such as written tests, physical tests, medical examinations, and interviews.

7. **Important Dates**: Includes the starting and closing dates of the application process, as well as the dates for various stages of the selection process.

8. **Pay Scale and Benefits**: Information regarding the salary or pay scale for the selected candidates and any additional benefits or allowances.

9. **Official Website**: The website where candidates can find detailed information and apply online (if applicable).

10. **Contact Information**: Contact details of the recruitment authorities for candidates to seek clarifications or assistance, if needed.

Important Dates:-

Sure, here's a description of the important dates for a hypothetical recruitment process:

Important Dates:

1. Application Begin: The application process for different posts will begin on different dates. Candidates interested in applying for various positions must check the official notification to find out the specific starting date for their desired post.

2. Last Date for Apply Online: Similar to the application start date, the last date for submitting online applications will vary depending on the post. Applicants need to ensure that they submit their applications before the specified closing date.

3. Exam Date: The date scheduled for the recruitment examination is 6th August 2023. On this day, eligible candidates will be required to appear for the examination as per the time and venue details provided in the admit card.

4. Admit Card Available: The admit cards, containing details about the candidate's examination center, timing, and other instructions, will be made available for download from 25th July 2023. It is crucial for candidates to obtain their admit cards before the exam date.

Please note that the above dates are purely fictional and based on the example provided. In a real recruitment scenario, the dates and details will vary according to the actual Border Security Force (BSF) recruitment notification. Candidates should always refer to the official notification for the accurate and up-to-date information regarding important dates and other aspects of the recruitment process.

Application Fee:-

The application fee for the BSF recruitment is as follows:

1. General / OBC / EWS Category: The application fee for candidates belonging to the General, Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) categories is Rs. 100/- or more. The specific application fee amount might vary depending on the post applied for. Candidates from these categories are required to pay the indicated fee amount as part of the application process.

2. SC / ST / PH Category: Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Persons with Disabilities (PH) are exempted from paying the application fee. They do not need to pay any fee to apply for the recruitment.

3. All Category Female: Female candidates from all categories are also exempted from paying the application fee. They can apply for the recruitment without any fee.

Mode of Payment:

Candidates can pay the examination fee through various modes, including:

a. Debit Card

b. Credit Card

c. Net Banking

d. E Challan

Applicants can choose any of the above methods to make the payment as per their convenience.

It's essential to carefully read the official recruitment notification to know the exact application fee for the specific post they are interested in and follow the payment instructions provided in the notification. Additionally, candidates should verify the payment details and mode of payment on the official website to ensure a smooth application process.

Post details:-

The recruitment notification is for various posts in the Border Security Force (BSF) and includes positions in different ranks. Below are the post details along with the number of vacancies for each position:

1. Sub-Inspector (SI) Master: This position is for candidates who will be responsible for supervising and commanding the crew on water vessels. They will be in charge of managing and operating the boats during various operations. The number of vacancies for this post is not specified in the provided information.

2. Sub-Inspector (SI) Engine Driver: The SI Engine Driver will be responsible for operating and maintaining the engines of water vessels used by the BSF. The exact number of vacancies for this position is not mentioned.

3. Sub-Inspector (SI) Workshop: The SI Workshop will handle technical aspects related to water vessels and their maintenance. The number of vacancies for this post is not specified.

4. Head Constable (HC) Master: HC Master will assist the Sub-Inspector (Master) and will be involved in navigation and other duties related to the water vessels. The exact number of vacancies for this position is not mentioned.

5. Head Constable (HC) Engine Driver: HC Engine Driver will assist the Sub-Inspector (Engine Driver) in operating and maintaining the engines of water vessels. The number of vacancies for this post is not specified.

6. Head Constable (HC) Workshop Mechanic: HC Workshop Mechanic will be involved in technical tasks related to the repair and maintenance of water vessels. The exact number of vacancies for this position is not mentioned.

7. Constable Crew: The Constable Crew members will be part of the team responsible for various operations and tasks on water vessels. The number of vacancies for this post is 127.

It's important to note that the information provided specifies a total of 127 vacancies for the Constable Crew position, but the exact number of vacancies for the other posts is not mentioned. Additionally, candidates should refer to the official BSF recruitment notification for the year 2023 to get the most accurate and up-to-date information about the vacancies, eligibility criteria, application process, and other important details for each post mentioned above.

Official Website :-

The official website of the Border Security Force (BSF) is This website serves as the central online platform for the BSF, a paramilitary force under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, responsible for guarding India's land borders during peacetime and preventing transnational crime.

The website offers a wide range of information and resources related to the BSF's activities, recruitment, and various other aspects. Here are some key features and sections that users can find on the BSF official website:

1. Home: The homepage provides an overview of the latest updates, news, and announcements related to the BSF. It often features important notices, press releases, and highlights of significant events.

2. About Us: This section offers detailed information about the Border Security Force, including its history, organization structure, functions, and roles in safeguarding the nation's borders.

3. Recruitment: The recruitment section provides information about ongoing and upcoming job opportunities within the BSF. It includes details about eligibility criteria, application processes, important dates, and any notifications related to recruitment.

4. Notices and Circulars: This section contains official notices, circulars, and notifications issued by the BSF, which are relevant for both personnel within the force and the public.

5. Galleries: The gallery section showcases photographs and videos related to various events, training exercises, and activities of the BSF.

6. Contact Us: Users can find contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, and email IDs of the BSF's various units and headquarters for any queries or concerns.

7. Tenders: Information related to tenders and procurement processes by the BSF can be found in this section.

8. Publications: The BSF may publish reports, magazines, and other informative materials. This section offers access to such publications.

9. Links: This section provides links to other important websites related to the Indian government, Ministry of Home Affairs, and other relevant organizations.

10. Recruitment Results: After the completion of recruitment processes, the BSF publishes the results of various selection stages in this section.

Admit Card

Exam Notice

Apply Online


Q: What is the Border Security Force (BSF)?

A: The Border Security Force (BSF) is one of India's central armed police forces responsible for guarding the country's borders. It was established on December 1, 1965, and its primary role is to ensure the security of the borders, prevent illegal immigration, and combat smuggling and other transnational crimes.

Q: What are the functions of the Border Security Force?

A: The Border Security Force has several functions, including:

- Safeguarding the borders and preventing unauthorized entry into the country.

- Countering transnational crimes, such as smuggling and illegal trafficking.

- Assisting in disaster management and providing humanitarian aid.

- Conducting civic action programs for the welfare of border-area communities.

- Coordinating with other law enforcement agencies to maintain internal security.

Q: How can I join the Border Security Force?

A: To join the Border Security Force, candidates can apply for various posts through recruitment notifications released by the force. The recruitment process typically includes a series of tests, such as a written examination, physical tests, medical examination, and an interview. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website or offline through the prescribed application mode.

Q: What are the eligibility criteria for joining the BSF?

A: The eligibility criteria for joining the BSF vary depending on the post and rank. Generally, candidates must meet certain educational qualifications, age limits, and physical standards. Specific criteria for each post are mentioned in the official recruitment notification.

Q: How can I get the latest updates about BSF recruitment?

A: To get the latest updates about BSF recruitment, candidates should regularly check the official BSF website ( or refer to reputable employment news sources. The official website provides information about ongoing and upcoming recruitment drives, application procedures, and important dates.

Q: Does the BSF recruit candidates from all states in India?

A: Yes, the Border Security Force recruits candidates from all states in India. Eligible candidates from different states can apply for the recruitment based on the vacancies and eligibility criteria specified in the official notification.

Q: What is the pay scale and career growth in the BSF?

A: The pay scale and career growth in the BSF vary based on the rank and position. As individuals progress in their careers and attain higher ranks, their salaries and responsibilities increase. The BSF follows a well-defined hierarchy and promotion system for its personnel.

Q: Does the BSF have specialized units apart from border security?

A: Yes, the BSF has several specialized units that perform various roles apart from border security. These units include the Water Wing, Air Wing, and various other tactical and support units that contribute to the force's overall operational capabilities.

AAI Current Openings Notification 342 Junior and Senior Assistant, Junior Executive Recruitment 2023

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is a statutory body that operates under the Ministry of Civil Aviation in the Government of India. Established on 1st April 1995, it is responsible for the management and development of civil aviation infrastructure in the country. AAI's primary objective is to ensure safe, secure, and efficient air navigation and airport operations.

Key functions and responsibilities of the Airports Authority of India include:

1. Airport Management: AAI manages and operates numerous airports across India, ranging from major international airports to smaller domestic ones.

2. Air Traffic Management: It oversees air traffic control services to ensure the safe and orderly movement of aircraft in Indian airspace.

3. Infrastructure Development: AAI is involved in the planning, construction, and development of airport infrastructure, including runways, terminals, aprons, and other aviation-related facilities.

4. Air Navigation Services: The authority provides air navigation services, including communication, navigation, and surveillance, to support the seamless flow of air traffic.

5. Safety and Security: AAI places significant emphasis on ensuring the safety and security of passengers, aircraft, and airport premises.

6. Upgradation and Modernization: It continuously works towards upgrading and modernizing existing airports to meet the growing demands of air travel in India.

7. Regional Connectivity: AAI supports the government's initiative to enhance regional connectivity by developing and upgrading airports in remote and underserved areas.

8. International Collaboration: The authority collaborates with international aviation bodies and other countries to improve air connectivity and share best practices.

9. Green Initiatives: AAI is committed to environmental sustainability and undertakes various green initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of aviation operations.

Vacancy Details:-

Here are the details of the vacancies:

1. Junior Assistant (Office): 0-9 vacancies

2. Senior Assistant (Accounts): 09 vacancies

3. Junior Executive (Common Cadre): 237 vacancies

4. Junior Executive (Finance): 66 vacancies

5. Junior Executive (Fire Services): 03 vacancies

6. Junior Executive (Law): 18 vacancies

These are the job positions available with their respective number of vacancies. The Junior Assistant (Office) has 0 to 9 positions available, while the Senior Assistant (Accounts) has 9 vacancies. The Junior Executive (Common Cadre) has 237 openings, Junior Executive (Finance) has 66 openings, Junior Executive (Fire Services) has 3 openings, and Junior Executive (Law) has 18 vacancies.

Please note that these details might be specific to a particular organization or company, and candidates interested in applying for these positions should refer to the official job notification or advertisement for more information on eligibility criteria, application process, and other relevant details.

Qualification Details:-

The qualification details for the mentioned positions are as follows:

1. Any Graduate Degree: Candidates with any bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university or institution are eligible to apply for these positions. This means that individuals with a wide range of academic backgrounds can apply, provided they have completed their undergraduate studies.

2. Bachelor's Degree in Engineering: Candidates with a bachelor's degree in Engineering (B.E. or B.Tech.) are eligible to apply for these positions. The engineering disciplines that are relevant for these vacancies include Fire Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Automobile Engineering.

For some of the positions, a specific engineering background is required. Candidates applying for the Junior Executive (Fire Services) position should have a degree in Fire Engineering. Similarly, for Junior Executive (Finance) and Junior Executive (Law) positions, the educational qualifications mentioned earlier apply.

Examination Fee:-

The examination fee for the mentioned positions is as follows:

1. General / OBC Category: Aspirants belonging to the General or Other Backward Classes (OBC) category are required to submit an application fee of Rs. 1000/-. This fee is applicable to candidates falling under these categories and is payable at the time of submitting the application for the examination.

2. SC/ST/PWD candidates/ Apprentices who have successfully completed one year of Apprenticeship Training in AAI/ Female candidates: Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Apprentices who have successfully completed one year of Apprenticeship Training in AAI, and female candidates are exempted from paying the application fee. These candidates are not required to submit any fee while applying for the examination.

It is essential for applicants to adhere to these fee guidelines based on their respective categories. The examination fee is generally used to cover the administrative costs of the recruitment process and conduct the examination smoothly. Candidates should refer to the official job notification or advertisement to confirm the exact fee details and any updates related to the examination fee for the specific recruitment drive they are interested in.

Age Limits :

The age restrictions for the mentioned positions are as follows:

1. Junior Assistant and Senior Assistant: Contenders applying for the Junior Assistant and Senior Assistant positions should be below 30 years of age. This means that candidates must not have attained the age of 30 years at the time of application. Age relaxation, if applicable, may be provided to candidates belonging to certain reserved categories as per the government rules.

2. Junior Executive: For the Junior Executive position, the maximum age limit for candidates is 27 years. Candidates should be below 27 years of age to be eligible to apply for this position. Similarly, age relaxation may be applicable for candidates from reserved categories as per the prevailing government norms.

 Candidates interested in applying for these positions should carefully review the official job notification or advertisement for the organization to confirm the exact age limits and any age relaxation criteria, as these details may vary for different recruitment processes conducted by different organizations.


The salary details for the mentioned positions are as follows:

1. Junior Assistant: Successfully recruited candidates for the Junior Assistant (Office) position will receive an attractive and impressive salary in the range of Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 1,40,000 per month. This salary is subject to a yearly increment of 3% until it reaches the upper limit of the pay scale.

2. Senior Assistant: Candidates selected for the Senior Assistant (Accounts) position will be offered a salary in the range of Rs. 36,000 to Rs. 1,10,000 per month. Like the Junior Assistant, this salary will also have a yearly increment of 3% until it reaches the maximum of the pay scale.

3. Junior Executive: Successfully recruited Junior Executive candidates will be entitled to a salary ranging from Rs. 31,000 to Rs. 92,000 per month. The salary will be increased by 3% annually until it reaches the highest point in the pay scale.

Salary structures and pay scales may vary for different organizations and may be subject to revisions based on government guidelines and policies. Additionally, candidates may also receive other allowances and benefits as per the organization's rules and regulations.

Important Date:-

The important dates for the mentioned recruitment are as follows:

1. Online Registration of Application Form Starts From: The online registration process for the application form will commence on 5th August 2023. From this date onwards, interested candidates can visit the official website or the designated online application portal to begin the application process.

2. Deadline of Online Application: The last date for submitting the online application is 4th September 2023. Candidates must ensure that they complete and submit their application form by this date. Any applications received after the deadline may not be considered.

The application process should be completed within this time frame, and candidates are advised not to wait until the last moment to avoid any technical issues or rush. Additionally, candidates should regularly check the official website or recruitment portal for any updates or changes to the schedule.

official website :-

The official website of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) is

The AAI's official website serves as the primary online platform for the organization to provide information, updates, and services related to civil aviation in India. It offers a user-friendly interface with various sections catering to different stakeholders, including passengers, job seekers, airlines, and other aviation-related entities.

Key features and sections of the official website may include:

1. Home: The homepage typically provides a brief overview of the organization's functions, news updates, and important announcements.

2. About Us: This section provides detailed information about the Airports Authority of India, its history, mission, vision, and objectives.

3. Airports: AAI manages and operates numerous airports across the country. This section lists all the airports under its jurisdiction, along with their locations and facilities.

4. Services: Information about the various services provided by AAI, such as air navigation services, air traffic management, cargo handling, and airport infrastructure development.

5. Careers: The careers section allows job seekers to find information about ongoing and upcoming job opportunities within the organization. It may include details about vacancies, recruitment notifications, application processes, and more.

6. Tenders: Information related to tenders and procurement processes for various projects and services.

7. Flight Information: Real-time updates on flight schedules, arrivals, and departures at AAI-operated airports.

8. Passenger Information: Guidelines and facilities for passengers traveling through AAI airports.

9. Media: Press releases, photo galleries, and other media-related information.

10. Contact Us: Contact details and inquiry forms for reaching out to the AAI for queries and assistance.

Click Here For AAI Job Notification Link.

Click Here To Apply


Q: What is the Airports Authority of India (AAI)?

A: The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is a government organization responsible for managing and overseeing the civil aviation infrastructure in India. It operates under the Ministry of Civil Aviation and is involved in the development, modernization, and maintenance of airports and air navigation services across the country.

Q: What are the vacancies available in AAI?

A: The vacancies available in AAI include:

1. Junior Assistant (Office)

2. Senior Assistant (Accounts)

3. Junior Executive (Common Cadre)

4. Junior Executive (Finance)

5. Junior Executive (Fire Services)

6. Junior Executive (Law)

Q: What are the qualification details for these vacancies?

A: The qualification details are as follows:

- Any Graduate Degree

- Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Tech. in Fire Engg./Mechanical Engg./Automobile Engg.

Q: What is the examination fee for the AAI recruitment?

A: For General/OBC category candidates, the examination fee is Rs. 1000/-. However, SC/ST/PWD candidates, Apprentices who have successfully completed one year of Apprenticeship Training in AAI, and Female candidates are exempted from payment of the application fee.

Q: What are the age restrictions for applying to these positions?

A: The age restrictions are as follows:

- For Junior and Senior Assistant positions, candidates should be below 30 years.

- For Junior Executive positions, candidates should be below 27 years.

Q: When does the online registration of the application form start and end?

A: The online registration of the application form starts from 5th August 2023, and the deadline for online application submission is 4th September 2023.

Q: What is the salary offered for these positions?

A: The salary details are as follows:

- Junior Assistant: Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 1,40,000/-

- Senior Assistant: Rs. 36,000 to Rs. 1,10,000/-

- Junior Executive: Rs. 31,000 to Rs. 92,000/-

Q: What is the official website of the Airports Authority of India?

A: The official website of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) is It provides information and updates related to civil aviation in India, including airport services, job opportunities, flight information, and more.

NTA IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typing Recruitment 2023

"IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist JAT Recruitment Exam Date for 200 Posts" in 2023 or any other year.

To find the most accurate and up-to-date information about the recruitment exam, including the exam date and other relevant details, I recommend visiting the official website of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) or checking relevant government job portals and official announcements. These sources will have the latest information on the recruitment process and any updates related to the exam date and the number of available posts.

Official websites, newspapers, and employment news portals are reliable sources to gather information about government job recruitments and their respective exam dates. Please keep in mind that recruitment details and dates can change, so it's important to verify the information from the official sources at the appropriate time.

Important Dates:-

Sure, here are the important dates for the "IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist JAT Recruitment" in 2023:

- Application Begin: 22nd March 2023

- Last Date for Apply Online: 20th April 2023

- Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 20th April 2023

- Correction Date: 21st - 22nd April 2023

- Exam Date: 31st July 2023

- Admit Card Available: Before the Exam

Please note that these dates are subject to change, and it's always a good idea to keep checking the official website of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for any updates or changes related to the recruitment process and examination dates.

Application Fee:-

The application fee details for the "IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist JAT Recruitment" are as follows:

- General / OBC / EWS candidates: Rs. 1000/-

- SC / ST candidates: Rs. 600/-

- All Category Female candidates: Rs. 600/-

- PH (Divyang) candidates: Rs. 0/- (No application fee for PH candidates)

Payment Method:

The exam fee can be paid through the following online modes:

1. Debit Card

2. Credit Card

3. Net Banking

It's essential to follow the instructions provided on the official website of IGNOU or the recruitment portal while making the fee payment to avoid any discrepancies.

Age Limit:-

The age limit for the "IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist JAT Recruitment" in 2023 is as follows:

- Minimum Age: 18 years

- Maximum Age: 27 years

This means that applicants must be at least 18 years old and should not exceed 27 years of age as of the specified cut-off date (which is usually the last date of online application or a specific date mentioned in the official recruitment notification).

Age relaxations might be applicable for candidates belonging to reserved categories (such as SC, ST, OBC, PwD, etc.), and these relaxations are provided as per the government's rules and regulations. Applicants are advised to carefully go through the official recruitment notification for the specific age relaxations and eligibility criteria applicable to their category.

Post Details:-

The post details for the "IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment" in 2023 are as follows:

Post Name: Junior Assistant – cum-Typist (JAT)

Total Number of Posts: 200

A Junior Assistant – cum-Typist (JAT) is a position that involves various clerical and typist responsibilities in the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). As a Junior Assistant, the selected candidates will be expected to handle administrative tasks, assist in office management, handle data entry and typing work, and provide general support to other departments as required.

It's important to go through the official recruitment notification for further details on job responsibilities, eligibility criteria, educational qualifications, pay scale, and other important information related to the Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) position. Interested candidates should ensure that they meet the eligibility requirements before applying for the recruitment.


The eligibility criteria for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023 are as follows:

1. Educational Qualification:

   Candidates must have passed the 10+2 (Intermediate) examination from any recognized board in India. This means they should have completed their higher secondary education successfully.

2. Typing Speed:

   English Typing Speed: Applicants should be able to type at a minimum speed of 40 words per minute (WPM) in the English language.

   Hindi Typing Speed: Candidates should be able to type at a minimum speed of 35 words per minute (WPM) in the Hindi language.

Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) recruitment and appear for the relevant exams as specified by the recruitment authorities. It's essential to thoroughly check the official notification for any additional requirements and details about the application process.

Official Website:-

National Testing Agency (NTA) specifically dedicated to various recruitment processes conducted by the NTA. The NTA is an autonomous organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India, responsible for conducting entrance examinations for admission to higher educational institutions in India.

The "" website serves as a platform for announcing job vacancies, conducting recruitment examinations, and facilitating the application process for various government job positions. It provides comprehensive information related to ongoing recruitment drives, including eligibility criteria, important dates, application forms, admit cards, results, and other relevant updates.

Through this website, aspiring candidates can access details about job openings, apply online for the desired positions, download admit cards for the examinations, and check their results once the exams are conducted. The site is user-friendly and designed to streamline the entire recruitment process, ensuring transparency and efficiency in the selection of candidates for government job vacancies.

Download Exam Notice

Apply Online

Download Notification

Download Syllabus


Q: What is the application fee for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023?

A: The application fee for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023 is Rs. 1000 for General, OBC, and EWS category candidates, Rs. 600 for SC/ST category candidates and All Category Female candidates. PH (Divyang) candidates are exempted from paying the application fee.

Q: What is the age limit for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023?

A: The age limit for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023 is a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 27 years. Age relaxations may apply to candidates belonging to reserved categories as per government rules.

Q: What educational qualification is required for the Junior Assistant - cum-Typist (JAT) post?

A: Candidates applying for the Junior Assistant - cum-Typist (JAT) post must have passed the 10+2 (Intermediate) examination from any recognized board in India.

Q: What is the required typing speed for the Junior Assistant - cum-Typist (JAT) post?

A: Candidates applying for the Junior Assistant - cum-Typist (JAT) post must have a typing speed of 40 words per minute (WPM) in English and 35 words per minute (WPM) in Hindi.

Q: How can I pay the application fee for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023?

A: Candidates can pay the application fee through online modes only, such as Debit Card, Credit Card, and Net Banking.

Q: What are the important dates for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023?

A: The important dates for the IGNOU 10+2 Junior Assistant Cum Typist (JAT) Recruitment 2023 are as follows:

   - Application Begin: 22nd March 2023

   - Last Date for Apply Online: 20th April 2023

   - Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 20th April 2023

   - Correction Date: 21st - 22nd April 2023

   - Exam Date: 31st July 2023

   - Admit Card Available: Before the Exam

Q: How many vacancies are there for the Junior Assistant - cum-Typist (JAT) post in the IGNOU 2023 recruitment?

A: There are a total of 200 vacancies for the Junior Assistant - cum-Typist (JAT) post in the IGNOU 2023 recruitment.
