KMC Jobs Advt 59 Medical Officer Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) is the governing body responsible for the administration and management of the city of Kolkata, which is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Established in 1876, KMC is one of the oldest municipal corporations in India and plays a crucial role in the development and governance of the city.

Key functions of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation include:

1. Urban Planning and Development: KMC is responsible for formulating and implementing plans for the orderly growth and development of Kolkata. This includes infrastructure development, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and public facilities, and urban renewal projects.

2. Public Services: The corporation is tasked with providing essential services to the residents of Kolkata, such as water supply, sewage management, solid waste disposal, and sanitation.

3. Health and Education: KMC oversees the healthcare services and education facilities in the city. It operates various health centers, hospitals, and schools to cater to the needs of the population.

4. Licensing and Regulation: The corporation issues licenses and permits for various activities, including trade, businesses, and construction. It also enforces regulations and by-laws to maintain civic order and safety.

5. Revenue Collection: KMC generates revenue through property taxes, licensing fees, and other charges. These funds are utilized to fund various development projects and maintain the city's infrastructure.

6. Public Welfare and Social Services: KMC undertakes initiatives for the welfare of vulnerable sections of society and implements social welfare schemes to improve the quality of life for its residents.

7. Disaster Management: The corporation plays a crucial role in disaster preparedness and response to natural calamities, such as floods, cyclones, or earthquakes.

The governance structure of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation is headed by the Mayor, who is elected by the citizens. The Mayor is supported by elected councilors representing different wards of the city. Additionally, various departments and committees within the corporation manage specific aspects of city administration.

Over the years, Kolkata Municipal Corporation has faced challenges such as population growth, urban congestion, infrastructure demands, and environmental issues. The corporation strives to address these challenges through strategic planning, community engagement, and partnerships with other government agencies and private entities.

KMC Vacancy Details:-

"Walk-in Interview" Apply Mode for KMC Vacancy Details:

When a job advertisement or recruitment notice mentions "Walk-in Interview" as the apply mode, it means that interested candidates can directly appear for the interview at a specified venue and time without the need to apply online or submit applications beforehand. This process allows for more immediate hiring decisions and is often used for positions that require urgent staffing or have a large number of vacancies to fill.

KMC (Kolkata Municipal Corporation) Vacancy Details - Medical Officer:

Kolkata Municipal Corporation has announced 59 vacancies for the position of "Medical Officer." The Medical Officer role typically involves providing medical care and services in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, or public health programs. The number "59 Posts" indicates that there are 59 open positions available for Medical Officers within the corporation.

Candidates who are interested in applying for the Medical Officer position at KMC can follow the "walk-in interview" process, which means they need to directly attend the interview at the specified location. During the interview, candidates will likely be evaluated based on their qualifications, experience, and suitability for the role. It is essential for applicants to carry all relevant documents, such as their resume, educational certificates, identification proof, and any other documents required by the corporation, to the interview venue.

Qualification Required:-

The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) requires candidates applying for jobs to meet specific educational qualifications. As per the provided information, the minimum qualification required for KMC jobs is as follows:

Qualification Required: Candidates must possess an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degree from any recognized board or institution.

This means that individuals who have completed their MBBS degree from a recognized medical institution or university are eligible to apply for jobs at KMC. The MBBS degree is a basic medical qualification that allows individuals to practice medicine as a doctor after completing a compulsory internship.

Having an MBBS degree opens up various opportunities for candidates to work as doctors in hospitals, clinics, healthcare organizations, or governmental agencies like KMC, where medical officers and healthcare professionals are required to provide medical services to the public.

Candidates with the required MBBS qualification can apply for medical officer positions and other relevant roles within the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, subject to meeting any additional criteria specified in the job advertisement or notification. It is essential for applicants to keep an eye on the official KMC job advertisements to be aware of any updates or changes related to the qualification requirements and the application process.

Age Limit:-

As of August 1, 2023, the maximum age limit for candidates applying for jobs is 67 years. This means that candidates who are 67 years old or below are eligible to apply for job positions. However, please keep in mind that age limitations for job applications can vary depending on the country, region, and specific employer's policies. It is essential to refer to the official job advertisements or notifications for accurate and up-to-date information regarding age requirements for specific job opportunities.


salary for the position in question is Rs. 24,000/- per month as per the organization's norms.

This means that the selected candidate will receive a monthly salary of Rs. 24,000, which is the fixed amount set by the organization for this particular job. The salary is usually paid on a monthly basis, and it may be subject to deductions for taxes, employee benefits, or any other applicable deductions as per the organization's policies and government regulations.

It's important to note that the actual salary offered to candidates may vary depending on factors such as their qualifications, experience, and negotiation skills during the hiring process. Additionally, the salary mentioned here might be specific to a particular job opening or level within the organization.

Walkin Interview Venue:-

The walk-in interview venue is located at Room No. 254, 2nd floor, PMU (Project Management Unit), Kolkata City NUHM (National Urban Health Mission) Society, 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013.

Here's a breakdown of the address:

- **Venue Name:** Room No. 254, 2nd floor, PMU, Kolkata City NUHM Society

- **Address:** 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013

This address is where the walk-in interview for a particular job or position is scheduled to take place. The "Walk-in Interview" format typically means that interested candidates can directly visit the specified venue on the given date and time without a prior appointment and meet the hiring authorities for an interview.

If you are planning to attend the walk-in interview, make sure to arrive on time, carry all the required documents and certificates, and dress appropriately for the interview. It is advisable to double-check the date and time of the interview and any specific documents or qualifications needed before attending.

Remarkable Date:-

The remarkable date mentioned is the "Date of Interview," which is set for the 4th of August, 2023.

This date is significant because it marks the scheduled day when candidates are invited to attend the interview for a specific job or position. The interview could be for a job in any sector or organization, such as government, private company, educational institution, or healthcare facility.

The date of the interview is a crucial event for job seekers as it provides them with an opportunity to showcase their skills, qualifications, and experience to potential employers. It's a chance for candidates to impress the interviewers and secure the job they are applying for.

Job seekers who have received an interview invitation for this particular date should ensure that they prepare well in advance. This preparation may include researching the organization, understanding the job requirements, reviewing their resume, practicing interview questions, and dressing appropriately for the occasion.

Attending the interview on the scheduled date and making a positive impression can significantly impact the candidate's chances of being selected for the position. It is essential for candidates to be punctual, confident, and demonstrate their suitability for the job during the interview process.

Official Website:-

The official website of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) is

The website serves as the primary online platform for KMC, providing a wide range of information and services related to the civic administration and governance of Kolkata city. It is a valuable resource for residents, businesses, and other stakeholders to access important updates, announcements, and various online services offered by the municipal corporation.

Key features and information typically available on the official website of Kolkata Municipal Corporation include:

1. About KMC: An overview of the history, vision, and mission of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, along with details about its administrative structure and key officials.

2. Online Services: Various online services may be offered, such as online property tax payment, trade license applications, birth and death certificate issuance, and other citizen-centric services.

3. Notices and Announcements: Information about the latest notifications, announcements, and tenders released by the corporation.

4. Departments and Services: Details about different departments under KMC and the services they offer.

5. Projects and Initiatives: Updates on ongoing and upcoming development projects and initiatives undertaken by the municipal corporation for the betterment of the city.

6. Contact Information: Contact details of various KMC offices, helpline numbers, and other means of communication for citizens to get in touch with the authorities.

7. News and Events: Information on recent news, events, and activities organized by KMC.

8. Health and Sanitation: Information about health programs, vaccination drives, and sanitation initiatives taken by the corporation.

9. Grievance Redressal: A mechanism for citizens to raise complaints or grievances and seek resolution.

10. Downloads: Forms, brochures, and other documents that can be downloaded from the website.

It's important to note that the website's content and design may evolve over time, so it's always a good idea to check the official website directly for the most current and accurate information related to Kolkata Municipal Corporation and its services.

Click Here For KMC Job Notification Link.


Q: How can I apply for a job with Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To apply for a job with Kolkata Municipal Corporation, you can visit the official website or check for job advertisements in leading newspapers and online job portals. Look for the specific job openings that match your qualifications and experience. Follow the application process outlined in the job notification, which may include filling out an online application form or submitting your resume and relevant documents to the designated address.

Q: How can I pay my property tax online to Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To pay your property tax online to Kolkata Municipal Corporation, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website

2. Look for the "Property Tax" or "Online Services" section.

3. Select the option for "Pay Property Tax Online" or a similar link.

4. Enter your property details, assessment number, or property identification number.

5. Verify the tax amount and proceed to the payment gateway.

6. Choose your preferred payment method, such as net banking, credit/debit card, or digital wallets, to make the payment.

7. After successful payment, you will receive a payment receipt for your records.

Q: How can I get a birth certificate from Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To obtain a birth certificate from Kolkata Municipal Corporation, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website

2. Look for the "Birth and Death Certificates" section or a similar link.

3. Select the option for "Apply for Birth Certificate" and fill out the online application form with required details.

4. Upload any necessary documents, such as proof of birth, identity proof, and address proof.

5. Submit the application and make any applicable payment for processing fees, if required.

6. After verification, the birth certificate will be issued, and you may download it from the website or collect it from the designated office.

Q: What are the contact details for Kolkata Municipal Corporation's helpline?

A: You can find the helpline numbers and contact details for Kolkata Municipal Corporation on their official website Look for the "Contact Us" or "Helpline" section to find the relevant phone numbers and email addresses for different departments or services. Additionally, you can visit or call the KMC offices directly for specific queries or assistance.

Q: How can I raise a complaint or grievance with Kolkata Municipal Corporation?

A: To raise a complaint or grievance with Kolkata Municipal Corporation, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website

2. Look for the "Grievance Redressal" or "Complaints" section.

3. Select the option for "Register a Complaint" or a similar link.

4. Fill out the online complaint form, providing details of the issue and your contact information.

5. Submit the complaint, and you will receive a reference number for tracking the status.

6. Alternatively, you can call the helpline numbers or visit the KMC offices in person to register your complaint.

MPESB High School Selection Test HSTST Exam 2023 Admit Card for 8720 Post

"MPESB High School Selection Test" or "HSTST Exam." It's possible that such an exam could have been introduced or named differently after my knowledge cutoff.

However, based on the information you provided, I can offer a general description of what a high school selection test might be like:

The MPESB High School Selection Test (HSTST) Exam is likely an assessment designed to determine the eligibility and suitability of students for admission to a specific high school or a group of high schools run by the MPESB (which could stand for a school board, educational authority, or similar organization). The exam is probably a critical component of the admission process, assisting the school authorities in identifying the most deserving and qualified candidates for admission.

The test is likely to cover various subjects, including but not limited to:

1. Mathematics: Assessing the students' problem-solving abilities, mathematical reasoning, and aptitude in numerical concepts.

2. Language Arts: Evaluating language comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills.

3. Science: Testing the students' knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and concepts.

4. Social Studies: Assessing knowledge of historical events, geography, and societal structures.

5. Reasoning and Logical Thinking: Analyzing the students' ability to think critically, solve problems, and make deductions.

The exam's format could vary, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, essays, and possibly practical assessments, depending on the specific goals and requirements of the MPESB.

Again, please note that the above description is a general assumption, as the specific details of the MPESB High School Selection Test would depend on the educational board or authority conducting the examination. If such an exam has been introduced or undergone changes after my last update, I wouldn't be aware of those developments.

Important Dates:-

 Let's break down each of these important dates:

1. Application Begin: 18/05/2023

   - This is the starting date when candidates can begin to submit their applications for the examination or recruitment process. From this date onwards, the application form is likely to be available online or through other designated channels.

2. Last Date for Apply Online: 01/06/2023

   - This is the deadline by which candidates must complete and submit their application forms online. It means that applications will not be accepted after this date, so applicants need to ensure they submit their forms before the cutoff.

3. Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 01/06/2023

   - By this date, candidates need to pay the required examination fee. Most exams have an associated fee that applicants must pay to complete their application process successfully.

4. Correction Last Date: 01/06/2023

   - Until this date, candidates who made any mistakes or errors in their submitted application forms can make corrections. This correction window allows applicants to rectify any errors they might have made during the application process.

5. Exam Date Start: 02/08/2023

   - This is the commencement date of the examination. From this date onwards, the exam will be conducted over a specific period, likely spanning several days, depending on the number of applicants and the nature of the examination.

6. Admit Card Available: 26/07/2023

   - The admit cards will be released on this date. Admit cards serve as hall tickets or entry passes for candidates, allowing them to appear in the examination. It contains essential information such as the exam venue, date, and timing.

Application Fee:-

The Application Fee for the exam or recruitment is as follows:

- General / Other State: ₹560/-

- SC / ST / OBC: ₹310/-

In addition to the base application fee, there is a portal fee that needs to be included.

Candidates have the following options to pay the Exam Fee:

1. Paying in Cash at KIOSK: Candidates can visit the designated KIOSK centers and pay the exam fee in cash.

2. Online Payment: Candidates can use the online payment methods to pay the exam fee. The accepted modes of online payment are:

   - Debit Card

   - Credit Card

   - Net Banking

It's important for candidates to note that only online payment methods are accepted. Payments made through cash at KIOSK centers are likely available for candidates who may not have access to online payment facilities.

Exam Details:-

Exam Details:

Exam Name: High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023

Number of Posts: 8,720

The "High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023" is an examination conducted to recruit qualified candidates for the position of High School Teachers. The exam is likely being held in the year 2023, and there are a total of 8,720 vacant posts available for High School Teachers.

The test is specifically designed to assess the candidates' knowledge, teaching skills, subject expertise, and other relevant qualities required for the role of a High School Teacher. Successful candidates who pass the exam and meet other eligibility criteria will be considered for appointment to the vacant teaching positions in high schools.

The exact details of the subjects, exam pattern, and syllabus would be provided in the official notification or advertisement released by the concerned recruiting authority. Candidates interested in applying for this position should carefully go through the official notification to understand the eligibility criteria, application process, important dates, and other relevant information.

The selection process may involve multiple stages, such as a written examination, interview, and document verification, depending on the rules and regulations set forth by the recruiting authority.

It's crucial for aspiring candidates to prepare thoroughly for the High School Teacher Selection Test, covering the relevant subjects and topics prescribed in the syllabus. Adequate preparation, along with a clear understanding of the exam pattern, can significantly enhance the chances of success in the examination.


The eligibility criteria for the mentioned opportunity require candidates to have qualified the "MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Exam" in either 2018 or 2023. The eligibility condition is specific to those who have successfully cleared the MP TET in the mentioned years.

Key Eligibility Criteria:

- MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Exam: Candidates must have qualified the MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test. The TET is an essential examination for individuals aspiring to become teachers in government schools in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It assesses the candidates' eligibility and aptitude for teaching at the high school level.

- Year of TET Qualification: The eligibility requires candidates to have cleared the TET in either 2018 or 2023. This means that candidates who passed the TET in these two specific years are eligible to apply for the opportunity.

Other Eligibility Conditions:

Apart from the TET qualification, there might be additional eligibility criteria specified in the official notification for the particular position or recruitment. These additional conditions could include factors such as:

1. Educational Qualification: Candidates might need to possess a certain level of educational qualifications, such as a Bachelor's degree in Education (B.Ed) or a relevant subject from a recognized university or institution.

2. Age Limit: There might be age restrictions for candidates applying for the position. The maximum and minimum age limits could vary depending on the category of the candidate (e.g., General, SC, ST, OBC, etc.).

3. Experience: Some positions may require candidates to have prior teaching experience in schools or relevant institutions.

To gather more detailed information about the specific eligibility conditions, interested candidates are advised to refer to the official notification released by the conducting authority. The official notification will provide comprehensive details about the eligibility criteria, application process, selection procedure, exam syllabus, and other important instructions related to the opportunity.

Official Website:-

The official website is the online platform of the Madhya Pradesh Education Services Board (MPESB) or ESB (Education Services Board). This website serves as the primary source of information and updates related to various educational services and activities offered by the board in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Key Features and Information on

1. Examination Updates: The website provides details about various examinations conducted by MPESB, such as teacher eligibility tests, recruitment exams for teachers, and other educational positions.

2. Recruitment Notifications: Job seekers interested in teaching positions or other educational roles in Madhya Pradesh can find recruitment notifications on the website. These notifications contain information about vacancies, eligibility criteria, application process, and exam dates.

3. Application Forms: The official website allows candidates to access and download application forms for different examinations and recruitment processes conducted by MPESB.

4. Admit Cards: Candidates who have applied for exams or recruitments through MPESB can download their admit cards from the website once they are released. Admit cards are essential for exam entry and contain important details like exam date, venue, and roll number.

5. Results: The website publishes the results of various examinations conducted by MPESB. Candidates can check their exam results and download scorecards from the site.

6. Syllabus and Exam Patterns: Aspiring candidates can find the syllabus and exam patterns for different exams on the website. It helps them prepare adequately for the examinations.

7. Latest Announcements: The website also provides updates, news, and important announcements related to educational activities, events, and policy changes in Madhya Pradesh.

8. Contact Information: Contact details of MPESB or ESB, such as address, email, and helpline numbers, are often available on the website for candidates to reach out for queries or assistance.

9. User-Friendly Interface: The website is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for visitors to navigate through various sections and access the required information efficiently.

Admit Card

Apply Online

Download Notification


1. Q: What is the eligibility criteria for applying to the High School Teacher Selection Test?

   A: To be eligible for the High School Teacher Selection Test, candidates must have qualified the MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Exam in either 2018 or 2023.

2. Q: How can I apply for the High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023?

   A: The application process is conducted online. You can visit the official website, navigate to the "Recruitment" section, and follow the instructions to complete the application form.

3. Q: What is the application fee for the High School Teacher Selection Test?

   A: The application fee for the General/Other State candidates is ₹560, while for SC/ST/OBC candidates, it is ₹310. The fee includes the portal fee.

4. Q: What are the payment modes available for the exam fee?

   A: Candidates can pay the exam fee either in cash at designated KIOSKs or through online modes such as Debit Card, Credit Card, or Net Banking.

5. Q: What subjects are covered in the High School Teacher Selection Test syllabus?

   A: The High School Teacher Selection Test syllabus includes subjects related to the role of a high school teacher, pedagogy, teaching methodologies, and general knowledge.

6. Q: When will the exam take place for the High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023?

   A: The exam is scheduled to start on 2nd August 2023. Candidates should refer to their admit card for the specific exam date and timing.

7. Q: How can I download my admit card for the High School Teacher Selection Test?

   A: Admit cards will be available on the official website from 26th July 2023. Candidates can download the admit card by logging into their account using their registration details.

8. Q: Is there any provision for correcting mistakes in the application form after submission?

   A: Yes, candidates can make corrections in their application form until 1st June 2023. After this date, no further modifications will be allowed.

9. Q: What is the selection process for the High School Teacher Selection Test - 2023?

   A: The selection process typically involves a written examination based on the High School Teacher Selection Test scores. Shortlisted candidates may also have to appear for a personal interview.

10. Q: Are there any relaxations in the eligibility criteria for reserved category candidates?

    A: As per the notification, there may be relaxation in the eligibility criteria for SC, ST, OBC, and other reserved category candidates. Please refer to the official notification for specific details.
